

Thursday, July 15, 2010

15/7 two thousand ten :)

malam tadi tidur at what time, tak igt. but for sure, it's after 2 am. then pagi tadi bgn pun agak tak berapa nak awal. 7.20 pdhal class pukul 8. but yay i made it. jalan laju, dgn kecik ♥ akhirnya dapat pun jumpa abang aku yg kecikkk je tu. so, class account pagi td. sikit je yg attend. well, nama pun class pukul 8 pagi! mmg tak ramai yang nak dtg memeriahkan suasana. tapi entah sawan mana dtg, dlm takde mood nak study dgn sakit perut pun, masa sir bg exercise, aku dpt jwb dgn lebih byk yg betul dr salah. well, i'm soooo not good in account but here i've changed. pdhal lecturer tu tak cool pun? :P dah la class tu for one hour je. but we used the class 15 minutes extra. ok lah tuu. aku pun tiba tiba semangat je nak study dah nak hbs class tu td pun.

after the class was over, me and farah went to cafe to grab something to eat since we have such an empty stomach at that time. i ordered thosai and horlicks, while farah ordered roti telur and horlicks. andd, i forgot to bring my purse and farah paid my breakfast. ok, jap! nak bayar duit kat farah jap :)

*counting money, money, money!*



so, lepas farah bayar, ktorg pun balik. teman farah balik hostel dia ambik laptop dia then ktorg lepak my room. so skrg ni, teka lah kat mana ktorg? :P

and oh lupa, farah bought makanan ikan yang manusia boleh makan. well, actually dia beli asam but bentuk asam tu mcm makanan ikan. so, we call it makanan ikan :D

tadaa, told you it looks like makanan ikan!

now, i can't wait for affan♥ to come here. miss you lah, dude! ;D

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