tiring days with absolute hard tasks/assignments are finally over! YAY sorry to myne, zara, yaya, aina and shamey for neglecting you guys this week, didn't mean it. sorry semuaa . so skrg nii nak kena submit another 2 assignments out of 5, leganya rase. and nak kena start baca buku dah, final in two weeks weyyy. oh ape ape pun, thanks to walin zainal for helping me in doing assignment for introduction to business. thanks a lot bro:D can't wait for this semester to end and have a whole magnificent month without thinking about studies. seronoknyeeeeeeeee sebulan tu nanti
if possible, nak ajak abah umi pergi universal studio kat singapore lahh, woohoogeee :D
okay haifaa okay! back to reality. u're still in the semester and still have to sit for the exam
1 comment:
sape walin tu ??
tolong ker?
tlg sbb xleh connect internet
aduh malas dow final
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