we don't have and can't hate people actually :)
are you hating your ex-couple?
fikir balik, apa yang kau nak hate nya? dulu dgn dia jg lahh kau date. dia jg lah yg kau sayang. dia jg lah jadi bahu kau menangis, jadi punch bag tempat kau lepas geram, jadi your best listener for your problems and all. and suddenly, lepas break terus nak benci? perhaps hati kau dah happy sangat sampai u really have to reduce your happy emotion by adding some hates in it?
knp nak benci? dulu dia pernah sayang kau. kau pernah sayang dia. memang tu dulu, but tak perlu benci. move on and tinggalkan sebagai good memory in your heart, much better right? ♥ what for nak benci? masa marah, memang benci. tapi jgn lah teruskan rasa benci tu. try to accept that it happened and everything is about to change or has changed.
are you hating your former friends?
u've been sharing problems and secrets among each other and suddenly when u discovered something not really good about your bestfriend, you start to hate your bestfriend. dah perfect sangat diri kita nak membenci orang lain? start to accept your friends for who they are even though it annoys you. all you have to do is tell your friend(s) what you don't really like about her/him and try to change him. kau ingat if kau benci dia pun, kau akan happy macam tu? u're just ruining your mood tahu? plus, friendship tak boleh didelete okayy!
are you hating your life?
MAJOR PROBLEM of all. hating your life means you're hating yourself. what to hate? when you stand in front of mirror, you'll see you. sehodoh, seburuk, seteruk, segedik, secacat mana pun kau, itu anugerah tuhan. ucap alhamdulillah :)
i'm not hating my ex-boyfriends :p yaa dulu pernah ada perasaan tu, tapi tak perlu dipanjangkan dan in fact, i have stopped the bad feeling from growing even bigger in my heart. it's like hurting myself kan? untuk apa? i'm not hating my friends ♥ i love them so much and i always love my life. thanks Allah :D alhamdulillah
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