gils babs. mems terbs lah kann. only adelia will understand that :p
tak sangka it has been a month since i've been in Ipoh, learning ground school and will soon fly for my PPL. aicehh berbangga pfft haifaa! dah tak ada masa nak berfacebook almost everyday, dah tak ada masa nak text segala macam manusia twenty-four-seven and dah tak ada masa nak update my blog. plus, no idea pun.
esok cuti, BUT IT'S NOT A GOOD THING since rabu nanti ada test, ohh dude :-(
Principle of Flying, Gen Tech, Navigation, Meteorology, Human Performance and Limitations.
mems terbs lah kann! rabu ada test and i have to pass these papers. nahh, i'm not taking things here for granted. i wanna success, i wanna be in that metal bird flying me around, anywhere i wanna go, but with certain altitude lahh since tadi baru belajar, if you nak fly to the west, u have to go for even numbers altitude. aicehhh Haifaa, poyo ah tu skrg dah tahu tu?
hehe. apa apa pun, THANKS TO REUBEN LIM, our beloved twen-teen instructor for teaching us a lot of new knowledge. kekeke ^^, you're the best mr.rub ever haha!
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