

Thursday, March 3, 2011


goodbye ipoh. for real. hello KL. macam biasa. and hello mantin. AGAIN!

goodbye Adelia, Haris, Anas, Syahmi etc and thanks for all the memories :)

hello Safea, Baby, Atyn, Adib, Erween, Khairy etc. i'm coming back to mantin and jom lepak i miss you guysssssssssss! :D

what can i say, i can't be in 2 places at once kaaaan memang tak lah! so, it's either Ipoh or Mantin, dulu aku defer untuk stay in Ipoh but now aku dah nak balik ke Mantin :) i can't disappoint my dad right? he invested a lot for my college so i need to like show him the best that i can do. dah la long-sem pulak tu kan memang lah the best from the ladang.

agak takut lah aku nak start sem baru ni haa weh dengan assignment yang confirm akan mengganggu tidur ku. goodbye ipoh hello mantin and partly hello subang. gonna fly thereeeee ♥ oh agak lega lah at least aku dah ada kenal sorang dua from subang. HELLO~~~~ apit and adli :D

esok nak pergi mendaftar and esok juga nak balik KL right after selesai pendaftaran oh memang tak lah aku nak stay sebab kawan kawan aku yang ada kat mantin pun nak balik esok oyeahh aku tahu mantin memang another nigeria :P

what else? gonna update more soon.


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